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14 Okt 2024 12:15–13:15

Infosession: cosa non fare durante un colloquio di lavoro

Workshop interattivo su come affrontare in modo smart il mercato del lavoro, con consigli pratici per gestire al meglio il processo di selezione e distinguerti nei colloqui.

15 Okt 2024 18:00–19:00

Alumni Talks: Private label product manager – the entrepreneur within the company with Fel...

Felix Schütz attended the Bachelor in Economics and Management (graduated in 2015) and the Master in Entrepreneurship and Innovation (graduated in 2017) at unibz.

17 Okt 2024 13:00–17:00

unibz Career Fair 2024

Die Karrieremesse findet einmal im Jahr statt und stellt einen Erstkontakt zwischen nationalen und internationalen Unternehmen bzw. Institutionen und Studierenden bzw. Absolvent:innen her.

23 Okt 2024 17:00–18:30

Innovative Arbeitgeber:innen in Südtirol

Unternehmenspräsentationen für Studierende und Absolvent:innen der unibz

12 Nov 2024 18:00–19:00

Alumni Talks: Growing in a corporate with Irene Cristallo

Irene Cristallo attended the Bachelor in Economics and Management at unibz and graduated in 2017.

05 Dez 2024 18:00–19:00

Alumni Talks: From agriculture to renewable energies with Alex Bergamo

Alex Bergamo attended the Bachelor in Agricultural and Agro-Environmental Sciences at unibz and graduated in 2019.

20 Feb 2025 18:00–19:00

Alumni Talks: Sales & Marketing career paths in the Food industry with Serena Costenaro

Serena Costenaro attended the Bachelor in Economics and Management at unibz and graduated in 2019.

28 Mär 2025 14:00–18:00

Recruiting Event: Job Speed Dating 2025

During the event students and graduates get in touch with companies and institutions that offer internship and/or job positions in South Tyrol.

15 Mai 2025 18:00–19:00

Alumni Talks: Management Consulting as a sustainable career with Lena Dengler

Lena Dengler attended the Master in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at unibz and graduated in 2017.