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PhD Guide


Private rental agreements

You can find many adverts for rooms and flats on or on the notice boards at the university (for rooms in Bruneck-Brunico you can also ask at the Secretariat in Bruneck-Brunico). The University does not act as a mediator between the landlords and its students: please contact the person offering a room/flat yourself and agree on the details such as rent and payment agreements. Depending on the type (double room, single room or one-bedroomed flat) and the size of the accommodation, the monthly rent for one person can vary from € 250 to € 550.

Thanks to a joint venture with MUA, we also offer a place for adverts on Through a simple and intuitive web portal, Yost brings together the demand and supply of housing in the province of Bozen-Bolzano

The Housing Office (Associazione della Proprietà edilizia della Provincia di Bolzano) gives information about contracts and rents for university students (tel.: +39 0471 281551 or +39 0471 271135).

Private student halls

Local private institutions and companies are working on opening new private student halls in Bozen-Bolzano. Private student halls manage their own admission, rent, services.

Ferrari Tower